1. Variable declarations - 3 ways
var name;
var name = "Javascript";
// Tip: Never ever use var, there are downsides
const name = "Javascript";
// Always use const
let name;
let name = "Javascript";
name = "js";
// If you need to modify or
// reassign your variable
// instead of const, use let
2. Variable types - 5 types
const name = "Javascript"
const rank = 1
const worth = 12000000.50
const friends = ["html", "css"]
const bio = {
debut: 1995,
nickname: "the rockstar cool kid"
3. Conditionals
const looksEasy = true;
if(looksEasy) {
} else {
// similar to most languages. yay! :)
const key = 12;
switch (key) {
case 12:
// don't try to remember this.
// you could use snippets feature of your editor
4. Looping
for (let index = 0; index < 5; index++) {
// we will not use this most of the time.
// there are plenty of other ways to loop.
// we will see in few minutes.
5. Functions - 3 ways
function sum(a, b) {
return a+b;
const sum = function(a, b) {
return a+b;
const sum = (a, b) => {
return a+b;
// all these are a way to create a function named "sum"
sum(1, 2)
// the function can accept arguments of any
// data types - string, float, array, object
// and even another function.
function brushTeeth() {
function wakeUp(activity) {
wakeup(brushTeeth) // eeeee
6. Environment api - window
// in java or c++ or python, you have api to do
// things with system -- like creating a file/dir, listening on port.
// javascript runs in the browser. So it will have access to browser related
// functionality through "window" object.
window.console.log("I can write it to the console of the browser, yay!")
window.localStorage // access browser's storage.
window.document.write("I can modify the DOM! DOM is like the PSD file of the browser")
// window is optional, you can omit it.
console.log("this works fine too")
Congratulations! You now know 80% javascript to work with most apps.
Let's learn few more features that I think is a must if you work on any js project
I'm ready, lets go